Saturday, July 3, 2010

Jet-lagged and loving it!

Okay, I don't actually love being jet-lagged but it does make me feel a little less bad about taking two hour naps in the middle of the day. So, where to begin with the trip so far?

Traveling here was relatively painless, our first flight was delayed (with us on board for nearly two hours of it... and then de-boarded... and then re-boarded) but our layover in Amsterdam was long enough for us to get on in plenty of time.

Once here we met up with a couple of other students in the program and ate dinner at a little place called Mlany Buddha, a totally wonderful Tibetan place where I accidentally ordered myself a really big dinner. Then we got a little lost and the boys made me walk way too far but man, oh man, is this city beautiful!

The big hills are going to kick my butt a bit, but that means that around every corner there is an amazing view of terracotta building tops with green church spires and tower tops. Also, here's a fun picture of Daniel with a random sculpture of Tycho Brahe and Keplar, the founding fathers of physics and astronomy:

I can't wait to get a little more acquainted as there is SO MUCH to do here! Junior, the Botswanan friend I made in the lobby this morning, regaled me with his night of beer garden drinking and clubbing until morning, when I met him and though I'm sure I won't be going that crazy while I'm here, it made me excited. I love traveling because I get to live in big cities like this and soak it all in and, just when I'll be getting tired of it, we'll be going home.

Anyhow, Katie and John just surprised us in the dorm so we're catching up with them!


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